Is There Even A Downside To Cbd?

There are dozens of purported health and wellness benefits associated with the use of cannabidiol. Therefore, this naturally occurring cannabinoid found in both hemp and marijuana plants has been the focus of a growing body of scientific and medical research. The scientific research is intent on either affirming or refuting CBD’s many positive therapeutic claims.

  • Finally, the huge increase in CBD research is really driving sales.
  • These benefits include reducing inflammation, helping to manage chronic pain, and treating mental conditions like insomnia, depression, and anxiety.
  • Cannabinoids help your body in many more ways than hemp oil does.
  • The cannabinoid content in the leaves, stalks, and flowers of cannabis sativa make all the difference when discussing these two products.

Cooper recently got funding from the National Institutes of Health for a study looking CBD oil at cannabinoids — including CBD in isolation — as a substitute for opioids, and numerous other clinical trials of CBD are underway. It will be several years before results are available, but these studies should help clarify both what benefits the substance may provide and any side effects it may come with. Studies are also needed to identify the best way to administer and dose CBD. “I get emails from people asking me what dose of CBD to use, and the truth is, we really don’t know,” Cooper said. Cannabinoids are a class of compounds that interact with receptors throughout your body.

CBD is a natural compound found in the HEMP plant and offers therapeutic and other health benefits. Since CBD oil was legalised in the USA and many European nations, the door swung open for scientists to experiment the properties of this all-rounded wonder drug of the 21st Century. Today, CBD oil acts as an efficient treatment for anxiety and epilepsy. More and rigorous tests are underway to affirm other purported medical benefits of CBD oil, which includes cancer, post-traumatic disorder, and depression. In the UK, CBD products are legal provided they contain less than 0.2% THC.

Now, CBD is non-psychotropic but still presents the medicinal benefits linked to cannabis or marijuana. This means anyone hoping to experience the health benefits of marijuana without getting stoned can still do so through CBD products.

Contrary to popular belief, Charlotte’s Web products are hemp-derived and are non-intoxicating. Charlotte’s Web gained popularity after being featured on CNN’s Weed 2 for the effects it had on Charlotte Figi, a young girl with a rare seizure disorder.

To get back on track, the phytocannabinoid in the hemp plant just so happens to almost identical with the endocannabinoids found in the endocannabinoid system , which is a biological system found in our bodies. To try to keep it as simple as possible, the ECS is responsible for many things in our bodies, from the nervous system to the immune system to the digestive system. The component that activates the receptors of the ECS just so happens to be CBD . This is why people who try the CBD oil have reported feeling less anxiety, an ease from chronic pain, better sleep at night, and much more.

CBD is just one of dozens of cannabinoids found in cannabis, including tetrahydrocannabinol , which is the one responsible for marijuana’s famous high. Cannabis products have a negative reputation in many places throughout the United States, but in states where marijuana is legal, people tend to give it a more open-minded view. Californians are less likely to believe in stereotypes about the supplement and instead consider the many health benefits.

New consumers should consult their doctor with any medical concerns. CBD is legal where marijuana has been legalized for at least medical purposes. Most people know it comes from cannabis, but many are still interested in the health benefits of taking the oil as an oral supplement. Even though some claims of CBD have been quite wacky, like being a cure for cancer, there are studies proving it’s anti-inflammatory effects that can fight a variety of ailments.