reddit explain it like i'm five

You can also subscribe to the subreddit and find out updates each time you log in to the site. Have you ever come across a term or a subject in one of your psychology textbooks that you just didn’t understand? Explain Like I’m reddit explain it like i’m five Five is a great place to post your question and get some clarification. Those using Reddit often use the term ELI5 when referencing this subreddit. Almost instantly after you submit a question, you will start seeing responses.

Explain Like I’m Five: How To Produce Lab

For a monthly fee or yearly subscription, redditors can upgrade to Reddit Gold. This service provides a set of extended features not available to nonpaying users. Features of Reddit Gold include access to members-only communities and the ability to turn off sidebar ads. a solar cell is similar to a sliding board and how the kids in a playground are like electrons filled with untapped electrical energy. Holland also explains the roadblocks that have kept solar energy from becoming more widespread in the energy market. Comment one or two sentences as if you were explaining strategic visioning to a five-year-old.

Reddit Company Information

Other posts come from college students majoring in psychology who need help finding research materials, writing survey questions and doing other assignments. Psychology is the official and main psychology subreddit on the site. A small box on the side of the page tells you the number of users subscribed to this reddit explain it like i’m five subreddit and the number of users currently on the site. You can also find tips on writing your first post and links to helpful subreddits that feature psychology videos, suicide prevention and psychology research. Users typically make a few new posts every day, which is why you need to check back often.

Yes, that episode does have a ridiculously bad explanation of socialism, but if you want actual explanations, you should go to the actual subreddit. Each episode ends with a message directing viewers to DonorsChoose, a charity that lets people pick supplies to donate reddit explain it like i’m five to school teachers, which Redditors have rallied around before. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. This is the first original video series produced by Reddit, and the videos are sponsored in part by YouTube, The Verge reports.

  • The web series version takes this one step further by explaining each topic to actual five year olds.
  • Think about how difficult that is, and then picture explaining existentialism to a 5-year-old.
  • Reddit has a new YouTube series called „Explain Like I’m Five“ based on the subreddit of the same name where two people attempt to explain difficult concepts to preschoolers.
  • r/explainlikeimfive, the subreddit where users break down complicated subjects into terms a 5-year-old could understand, now has a dedicated webseries.
  • The Explain Like I’m Five subreddit asks users to explain complex subjects in a way that any old dummy can understand.
  • Have you ever tried to explain to a child why he needs to eat his veggies or what the president does?

This subreddit deals specifically with industrial and organizational psychology topics and can come in handy when you have an upcoming assignment or test. You’ll also find fun articles that you can read through and then share with your teachers and other students. IO Psychology includes links on the side of the page that direct you to discussions for college students. These links include information on finding scholarships and other ways to pay for college and how to apply to grad school.

reddit explain it like i'm five

How To Create Your Cute, Personalized Avatars Using The Reddit App

It is Reddit’s first video series, but not the site’s first foray into video production. As Reddit’s general manager, Erik Martin, explained in a phone interview, back in the day the site’s trademark Q&As, Ask Me Anything, were filmed and posted online. Reddit’s general manager says other subreddits will get the video treatment soon too. Other users employ ELI5 like its original verb phrase, explain to reddit explain it like i’m five me like I’m 5, in context. The r/explainlikeimfive subreddit remains incredibly popular, but itsELI5 abbreviation has become so widely used on Reddit that even people who have never used that specific subreddit are familiar with it. Thanks to the exploding popularity of the subreddit, ELI5 became a popular Google search term in the 2010s, and its use soon spread to mainstream social media platforms.

The term “ELI5” was integrated into the Urban Dictionary a month after. The Explain Like I’m Five subreddit is an inclusive place to ask questions and get layman-friendly answers, without fear of judgement. Appropriate reddit explain it like i’m five for questions about current events, history, politics, culture and more. If you’ve had enough of precious YouTube children, however, you can still learn a bit about complex subjects like the Syrian Civil War.

As the name suggests, the 100 Years Ago subreddit features various thread about things that happened exactly a 100 years ago. If you are a history enthusiast, you can also check out subreddits likeColorizedHistory, where you will find high quality colorization of black & white pictures from the past. Yes, it’s hard to capture these moments on camera, so you won’t stumble upon these images while casually browsing through your social media feeds. However, this subreddit is arguably the best curation for such embarrassing, yet cool pictures.

Kids Say The Darndest Things In Reddit’s ‘explain Like I’m Five’ Show

Keep in mind though that Vue’s reactivity caveats also hold true for Vuex. When this question came up on Reddit, I spent some time to figure out about how I could explain Vuex to a five-year-old. The phrase went on to become one of Reddit’s most popular reddit explain it like i’m five boards. By 2019, r/explainlikeimfive ranked as the 17th most popular subreddit on the platform. Explain Like I’m 5 was derived from the subreddit r/explainlikeimfive. This subreddit was created by a Reddit user, boss galaga back in September 2011.

reddit explain it like i'm five

Explained questions are questions that have an answer, but the average person would not know it. Unexplained questions are areas where there is still debate in the respective field of study. Online community Reddit released the three-episode web series „Explain Like I’m Five“ Monday, based on the subreddit of the same name. The „Explain Like I’m Five“ subreddit, which the company says gets an estimated 4 million pageviews per month, was chosen because its discussion topics seemed fit for a video series. Vending machines can seemingly carry any number of items under the sun the same holds true for Vuex.

Subreddit Stats

Reddit is one of the top social networking sites around and one of the best places to communicate with others, which is why psychology students often look for a psychology subreddit to help them with their classes. Unlike other sites that use your real name and personal information, Reddit lets you create an anonymous account that you can use for posting comments and questions. You’ll find helpful information as well as fun things on the site. The site is composed of hundreds of subcommunities, known as subreddits. Each subreddit has a specific topic, such as technology, politics or music. Reddit’s homepage, or the front page, as it is often called, is composed of the most popular posts from each default subreddit. The default list is predetermined and includes subreddits such as „pics,“ „funny,“ „videos,“ „news“ and „gaming.“